1 ♦ title
♦ title /ˈtaɪtl/A n.1 titolo; appellativo; denominazione; intitolazione; nome; (fig.) diritto, merito: to have title to sb. 's gratitude, aver titolo alla riconoscenza di q.; the title of gold, il titolo dell'oro ( espresso in carati); to renounce a title, rinunciare a un titolo5 ( sport) titolo: the world title, il titolo di campione mondiale; to retain one's title, mantenere il titoloB a. attr. ( sport)● (comput.) title bar, barra del titolo □ ( boxe) title bout, combattimento (o incontro) per il titolo □ (comput.) title case, tutte iniziali maiuscole □ ( calcio, ecc.) title chase (o title race), caccia (o lotta) per il titolo □ title page, frontespizio □ (TV) title shots, fotogrammi dei titoli di testa □ (leg.) title to sue, legittimazione sostanziale attiva.(to) title /ˈtaɪtl/v. t.1 intitolare; intestare -
2 title
title ['taɪtəl]1 noun(a) (indicating rank, status) titre m;∎ he has the title of Chief Executive Officer son titre officiel est directeur général;∎ to give sb a title donner un titre à qn, titrer qn;∎ to have a title (nobleman) avoir un titre de noblesse, être titré;∎ the monarch bears the title of Defender of the Faith le monarque porte le titre de défenseur de la foi(b) (nickname) surnom m;∎ she earned the title "Iron Lady" on l'a surnommée "la Dame de Fer"∎ they published 200 titles last year ils ont publié 200 titres l'an dernier∎ to win the title remporter le titre;∎ he holds the world heavyweight boxing title il détient le titre de champion du monde de boxe des poids lourds(music) du générique(book, chapter, film) intituler►► Computing title bar barre f de titre;Law title deed titre m de propriété;Boxing title fight combat m comptant pour le titre;title page page f de titre;title role rôle-titre m;∎ with Vanessa Redgrave in the title role avec Vanessa Redgrave dans le rôle-titre;title track morceau m qui donne son titre à l'album -
3 title
A n1 (of book, film, play) titre m ; a book/film with the title ‘Rebecca’ un livre/film intitulé ‘Rebecca’ ; the film appeared under the title of ‘Rebecca’ le film est sorti sous le titre de ‘Rebecca’ ;2 Sport titre m ; to win/hold the title remporter/détenir le titre ; women's/men's title Sport titre m féminin/masculin ; world title titre m mondial ; 1500m title titre m sur 1500m ;3 ( rank) titre m ; a man with a title un homme titré ; to have a title être titré ; to be given a title être anobli ; to take a title se voir conférer un titre de noblesse ; -
4 title
title [ˈtaɪtl]1. nouna. [of person, book] titre m• to win/hold the title (Sport) remporter/détenir le titreb. (Cinema, TV) the titles le générique[+ book] intituler3. compounds* * *['taɪtl] 1.noun gen, Law, Sport titre m2.titles plural noun Cinema générique m3.transitive verb intituler [book, play] -
5 title challengers
■ A team that is considered to have a strong chance of winning a competition.■ Mannschaft, die als Mitfavorit eines Wettbewerbs gilt. -
6 title contenders
■ A team that is considered to have a strong chance of winning a competition.■ Mannschaft, die als Mitfavorit eines Wettbewerbs gilt. -
7 title favourites
■ A team that is considered to have a strong chance of winning a competition.■ Mannschaft, die als Mitfavorit eines Wettbewerbs gilt. -
8 title part
9 title-holder logo
■ Badge that the winners of a UEFA competition may wear in the same competition the season following its victory.■ Abzeichen, das der Sieger eines UEFA-Wettbewerbs in den auf den Titelgewinn folgenden Spielen des entsprechenden Wettbewerbs tragen darf. -
10 title-holder logo badge
■ Badge that the winners of a UEFA competition may wear in the same competition the season following its victory.■ Abzeichen, das der Sieger eines UEFA-Wettbewerbs in den auf den Titelgewinn folgenden Spielen des entsprechenden Wettbewerbs tragen darf.Englisch-deutsch wörterbuch fußball > title-holder logo badge
11 title to land
English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > title to land
12 title
title [ˊtaɪtl]1. n1) загла́вие, назва́ние2) кино на́дпись, титр3) ти́тул; зва́ние4) спорт. зва́ние чемпио́на5) пра́во (to — на что-л.); юр. пра́во со́бственности (to — на что-л.); докуме́нт, даю́щий пра́во со́бственности2. v1) называ́ть, дава́ть загла́вие2) присва́ивать ти́тул, зва́ние3) кино снабжа́ть ти́трами -
13 title-deed
14 title-holder
title-holder noun sport чемпион -
15 title-page
title-page noun typ. титульный лист -
16 title-role
title-role [ˊtaɪtlrəυl] nзагла́вная роль -
17 title-block
- title-block
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
18 title abstractor
19 title guaranty
20 title race
■ The closing stages of the league championship, as the leading clubs compete for the top position.■ Ausgeglichener Kampf zwischen zwei oder mehreren Mannschaften um den ersten Tabellenrang gegen Ende einer Meisterschaft.
См. также в других словарях:
title — ti·tle n [Anglo French, inscription, legal right, from Old French, from Latin titulum inscription, chapter heading, part of the law that sanctions an action] 1 a: the means or right by which one owns or possesses property; broadly: the quality of … Law dictionary
Title insurance in the United States — is indemnity insurance against financial loss from defects in title to real property and from the invalidity or unenforceability of mortgage liens. Title insurance is principally a product developed and sold in the United States as a result of… … Wikipedia
Title IX — of the Education Amendments of 1972, now known as the Patsy T. Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act in honor of its principal author, but more commonly known simply as Title IX, is a United States law enacted on June 23, 1972 that states: No… … Wikipedia
title — ti‧tle [ˈtaɪtl] noun 1. [countable] HUMAN RESOURCES JOBS a name that describes a person s job or position: • What is your job title? • Her official title is Human Resources Manager. 2. [countable] a par … Financial and business terms
title search — n: a search of public records to determine the condition of title to real property usu. that is the subject of a transaction (as a purchase or mortgage) the borrower was required to pay for a title search Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law.… … Law dictionary
title insurance — n: insurance that compensates for loss from title defects or encumbrances (as liens) that were unknown but should have been discovered at the time the policy was issued Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. title insurance … Law dictionary
title report — The written analysis of a real estate title search, including a property description, names of titleholders and how title is held (joint tenancy, for example), tax rate, encumbrances (mortgages, liens, deeds of trust, recorded judgments), and… … Law dictionary
Title 18 of the United States Code — is the criminal and penal code of the federal government of the United States. It deals with federal crimes and criminal procedure.Part I Crimes*usctc|18|1|pipe=Chapter 1: General Provisions:This chapter consists of General Provisions. §1 is… … Wikipedia
Title VII — n. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a federal law that prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion, or national origin. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy… … Law dictionary
Title — Ti tle, n. [OF. title, F. titre, L. titulus an inscription, label, title, sign, token. Cf. {Tilde}, {Titrate}, {Titular}.] 1. An inscription put over or upon anything as a name by which it is known. [1913 Webster] 2. The inscription in the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Title deeds — Title Ti tle, n. [OF. title, F. titre, L. titulus an inscription, label, title, sign, token. Cf. {Tilde}, {Titrate}, {Titular}.] 1. An inscription put over or upon anything as a name by which it is known. [1913 Webster] 2. The inscription in the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English